
Blogging is a trend past many years since the accessibility to INTERNET came into existence. I remember very well one of my BROssss was writing and sharing his poems (way too difficult for me to understand back in those days) over his page. Anyway back to me... The freedom, the evolution blogging gave was really awesome and is really awesome.
BLOGGING became VLOGGING and more and more social media came into existence. Personal branding became important, though it depends the way people presented themselves in whichever mode they chose to be out in public. Freedom of speech as per our constitution was on the way to get more fancied, at times very serious and other times it was meant to be on a lighter note.

The evolution non-sarcastically started bending the knowledge which was been integrated into us from various television channels. People having the power to share their personal views in mind lead to the revolution. In-short we get to know the reality a little more than the brands wishes us to know. Adding to the benefit of having more transparent views it added a star value to the individual and led to the start of non-conventional stardom.The numeric in terms of followers, subscribers and viewers mattered. It was the thing which determined the "Non-Conventional Stardom Value".
If you are in India you have seen the growth of being badass from VJ Bani to something like Dhinchak Puja (seriously....)
Anyway, that's the power of being non-conventional and Blogging aka Vlogging.

As long as I have the desire to be one, I will try to decode myths, I will be more honest and I will be more reachable.Plus I don't earn from my social channel, its completely self sponsored
Sadly the truth post being one recognizable is to start getting molded the way your sponsors wishes you to be.
Making your content more and more opaque, cause all the hard work you have put to get the celebrity status is on the stake of either dancing on the given tune or loosing it for all.

I am a freelance portrait, food and product photographer, who runs a company of herself under the name of SHOVONA KARMAKAR and with utmost pride I have a GST number to display on my client bills to let them know how legit and how serious I am with my agenda to solve their visual problems aka I am a freelance professional. Mumbai being the financial capital and with opportunities which other metro cities cannot provide, I shifted myself to here from Kolkata in 2013.
The path to where I am right now sounds cozy even to myself and I am sure to you too, but past many years things where not rosy, and I mean it. I may have started sharing my understanding about blogging pretty late but I guess I have enough at present to share to people looking for answers. Freelancing happened to me by accident and as I have been experimenting myself with my life to be what I wish to be in future. I alike my batch-mates was running behind marks as it mattered then and wanted to join a firm and live a safe life completely unaware of the fact what my future had it for me and I am more than happy to be here.
Blogging matters to me to have an opportunity to let people know what it takes to be one and how it effects ones life. It's not as easy as living in it's comfort zone and dreaming big, sustenance is a question we keep asking to our self every second and at times literally every second. I may or may not have answers for everything you wish to ask and know but I will try and I will learn things my way on the path.

Things one can understand from me of how to deal and go about. The list is long, the facts are personal and view is subjective.
So here it is...

Well unless you are born into someplace which belongs to your own industry or have a God father to show you the way, things are going to be difficult, I assisted someone and I don't think it was a right thing to do, though my experience was somewhere I regret but as it was not in my hand I think I can totally forgive myself. As eventually time passed my desire to make something out of myself in the industry led me to meet some awesome people who helped me generously.
Connect to as many people as possible.
The desire to work led me to grab as many brands as possible in my portfolio devoid of what they paid me. The early years were truly difficult, I at times hardly made enough to pay my rent but the desire kept it going, I managed to bring the minimum needed to sustain.
Create content, generate as many ideas as possible, don't run for a style. Style is something which should come to one gradually, one's experience and understanding should get reflected which is gonna make it something fresh and will help you to stand out of the crowd.

It takes decades of experience and thousands of validation from others to let you have the power to earn whatever you wish from every project been thrown to you.
Negotiation, is important to understand what they have to offer you, its is not smart to loose on an experience in-case you are rigid but yes don't let yourself way to low for others to not to value you enough.
Money is the way you will sustain, sadly money is the only way you will dare to dream.
Ask the person contacting you what he/she has to offer you and calculate the basic minimum you think you require to do the job, even if your a new-bibe don't be shy to say NO..! in-case the offered price is way too unpractical.

Freelancing is literally a lifestyle that you plan to lead like and its very much like life, totally unexpected, your annual income is not fixed, your taxable income is going to fluctuate. Your daily schedule is nothing you at times can be very proud off and you are more prone to uncertainties in life and almost in every corner. Insurance is your friend and saving is more than priority.
In past few years of being a freelancer, I broke my heart multiple times and it do affected my work, I lost a dear friend and I almost closed my shop though I restarted with a plan and power I wish to keep it to myself and the biggest fear of all, I am an adult with old parents back in hometown and they may not wish me to send them money but my on going struggling phase doesn't let me have enough opportunity to visit them, though I should. A job gives security which doesn't exist as a freelancer and the sooner one is comfortable with its reality with the perks it also gives, the sooner it's going to make your life easier.
The very security rest in our hand and specially in our mind and we need to practice enough as long as possible.
We are mere human, we will do mistakes and that's a part of evolution and we can't avoid it.

Don't buy because its cool, its trendy, conscious decision making is a habit which will give you benefits in long run and I am pretty sure you will thank yourself, but give space and opportunity to self to make enough mistakes. Buying tons of clothes is not a very smart thing to do unless you are into the very profession which asks you to do so. Buying endless memberships doesn't make sense unless you use them. Buying gadgets is quaky but be sure what you wish to, keep in mind, it will be obsolete in few months (that is the nasty trick of technology industry.)
I have invested quite an amount in terms of Lakhs in my venture and I am happy to say I have revived the money, but I had to be smart when I did, I literally jumped myself from a basic DSLR to Processional series, got myself a pro tripod and set of strobe lights from Elinchrome (that was the only thing in my budget) a semi pro Rode mic and few pro sd cards and hard drive... well a different article for my equipment list. In-short I had to invest a little more but it was worth it.
In my case of being a photographer a good upgraded equipment helps my client to have content as per the industry standard and I don't have to rent it out or rely on anyone at times when needed, specially the overnight assignments.
Apart from equipment my investment is also for a good internet connection to see some awesome ventures over YouTube.
Make every penny count...!

keeping all the biggest life quotes and motivation speech in front of you, it will still be a struggle to keep self motivated. It took me quite a few months to change the way I think I am gonna write and present my blog, I feel I am more invested in the present one than just typing for the sake of doing so. But evolution is something no one can run away with and maturity comes with time and experience and has nothing to do with age, the fear of loosing your engaging capacity finally forced me to do something different, try something more something which needs effort and little planning.
Motivation is my enemy as I do everything for the sake of being happy about it. Motivation is a mere chemical, a happy hormone which is very infectious, its very much reflected in your effort and communication to all the possible presentation skills.
The problem is everything doesn't motivate us and we are taking longer and longer to get over with procrastination.
My personal advice: go out, walk as much as possible, eat fruits (it does work wonders), sit over a corner with a coffee in your hand and ponder how to fix the very thing going in your head since days, weeks, months or even ages. Or just change your perspective in your room or house and try to push yourself a little to think over the issue and solve it. Getting excited is one thing and working over an issue is another. Create an utmost important and urgent need to do it.
That is pretty much I had it for the day, there are more coming so don't forget to subscribe and if you wish to see more of my work
If you wish to stalk me over Instagram:
Email me for any work related query at :